Why I travel with my toddler even though she won’t remember

Ms. C With globe
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One of the main arguments that parents give for not traveling with their kids is that they won’t remember it or that they won’t enjoy it as much as some time in the future when kids enjoy things more. Of course, to each their own, but we’ve chosen to travel with our daughter basically since she was born (she took her first flight from Bangkok to Phuket in Thailand when she was 2 months old). Traveling with a baby and now a toddler isn’t always easy, but here are the reasons we’ve chosen to do it anyway.

She may not remember, but I will

When I look back on my life I hope to look back on a wealth of amazing experiences and as I travel I am filing my memory “bank” up with great memories. Sure, my daughter won’t remember visiting Angkor Wat when she was nine months old, but I will have the memory of it for the rest of my life. It also allows me to make memories with my husband and build our relationship, which brings me to the next point.


It makes my marriage stronger

Traveling requires planning and coordination and caring for the child(ren) in a different setting than we are used to. There have been times that this has been trying on our marriage, but since we have gotten into a rhythm with travel, it has been one of the best ways that Joel and I have learned about each other and about how to work together as a team.

Traveling on a Cross-country bus in South Korea

Watching kids experience things makes them 100 times better

Remember Christmas as a kid and how great it was, and then once you were a parent seeing your kids open the gifts was so much better?! That’s how I feel about travel. Traveling to new places was an amazing experience when it was just me, and it has truly shaped who I am. But, my 2-year old approaches the world with such awe that it causes me to stop in my tracks. Seeing her experience new things and learn about the world is the very best thing about traveling with kids. She is excited and amazed by things that wouldn’t stand out at all to me if I were traveling alone. Her excitement is contagious and makes all of our trips better!


My daughter is really cool

Okay, so she may not remember going to 6 countries before she was 2. However, she has an opportunity to experience so much more of the world than I did. There’s nothing wrong with choosing not to travel with your kids, but man, she’s a cool kid.


She is learning to love people

My daughter loves people. She loves way more than me and way better than me. She is such a little extrovert that if I don’t get her out of the house (because Mommy is an introvert), she gets absolutely crazy by the end of the day. She just needs the chance to interact with others. We’ve gotten to meet so many people that I wouldn’t have taken the chance to meet if I were traveling alone. And, best of all, she doesn’t care about skin color, socio-economic status, clothes, age, disability… et al. She loves everyone the same. Sure, that will change in the years to come, but right now I can continue to bask in these lovely toddler years.

Experiencing Culture in Korea

It can be budget friendly

Traveling with under twos means kids can fly as a lap child, and young children stay for free in most hotels making the “littles” years some of the cheapest times to travel with your kids. Plus, they eat less and entrance fees into attractions are also often free or cheaper. Sure, you may be more restricted with what sorts of things you can do, but traveling now is much more affordable than in the teenage years.


They aren’t in school

My daughter is still two years away from going to formal school which means we have a very flexible schedule. If we want to fly down to Indonesia to visit a friend or if we need to fly back to America to spend time with family (both of which were realities recently), we have flexibility to do this without interrupting her schooling.


One day they will start remembering

My daughter is almost three. I have little to no memory of being three, but my husband does. We aren’t so far away from the years where memories are made. I want those memories to be filed with adventure, love of others and time together.

Have you chosen to travel with kids? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below!


  1. My wife and I travelled all over the world with our two kids from when they were a very young age. It’s hard to know the exact age from which the kid benefits, but the point you make about it enabling kids to love people irrespective of their race or colour or social status is a good one. I’m sure that the exposure to different environments benefits kids from a very young age in many different ways.

    Traveling with toddlers also has benefits for the parents too. We found that strangers who wouldn’t have otherwise considered talking with us, eager to strike up a conversation when they see foreigners with a toddler in tow (especially if you are in Asia and your child has blonde hair). Many airlines will let you go to the head of the check-in queue if you have young kids with you too – that doesn’t always happen, but it’s nice when it does 🙂

    • David, good for you! We love meeting other traveling parents! My blonde hair girl was born in Bangkok and definitely helps us meet other people more easily in Asia and other places!
      And yes, we always appreciate skipping the queue especially at passport control in some countries 🙂

  2. I especially love your point on making your marriage stronger. I’ve never thought of that before- but it does and because of that the whole family is stronger.

  3. We also travel with kids even before they are likely to remember. But, they learn a love of travel and take in way more than you would think. A few weeks ago, my three year old and I walked out of our library and heard ropes clanging against the flagpole. It immediately reminded me of Big Ben. And then, she looked at me and said, “It sounds like London.” And then added that she remembers drinking her bottle in her stroller and hearing a similar noise. She was 11 months old when we were last in London!

  4. Thank you for sharing. I am in full agreement for all the above reasons mentioned. I love the awe that arises in me seeing by the world with open curious eyes.